I have at last begun my novel-writing project, which will involve my knowledge in Wing Tsun, occultism and anthropology. I'm doing the outline right now, squeezing my brain for inspiration. I recall a good quote:
That is indeed a Wing Tsun approach to writing!You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club
–Jack London
In my case it means that I force myself to write at least one page a day, witholding nothing. I also go after my inner editor with a club or some chainpunches. I silence my inner editor and go crazy. It has proven to be a very efficient way, because among 30 lines maybe one is really good and worth using. And that one good line might inspire a new one, and a new one and so on.
I'm also starting a course called Creative Writing at Malmö Högskola now in january, which will hopefully yeild some results in my word-hunt.
Good luck with the project :)
speakin in terms we both understand: Dont be chasing hands, be carefull not to incorporate subjects simply because you want to, there has to be an actual need for them. Ofcourse making sure the needs arises is what planning is for.
But i am into numbers, not letters so dont take my word for it ;)
Cant wait to see some paragraphs
You have a point there Thor... when we chase after something, be it arms or be it words, we often end up with a load of crap. Fortunately, a page of bad writing is easier to manage afterwards than a sloppy chi-sao :-)
Chasing numbers could perhaps result in insanity, watch this:
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