I had a day off from work, made a few fast sketches in carchoal, trying to get the inspiration going for some artistic project. Later on I went to the gym where I trained like hell with Kristina, the awesome personal trainer i got: http://www.kristinadybdahl.dk
It was leg-day, which means I will probably not be able to walk tomorrow.
I love lifting weights! Many people find it boring, and maybe it is in the beginning, but as time goes on a new insight and feel for the body developes. To find that spot of concentration, where your mind goes into the muscle, and you seem to feel every single fibre... swelling with power then burning with pain. Ah, nice!
To me, that is meditation, and I go about the rest of the day happy, relaxed and looking forward to the next session. Of course it's not my only meditation, I do practice my asanas as well. And Wing Tsun of course, which sometimes drifts of into meditative flows as well. WT is not generally regarded as being an internal martial art, but still body and soul changes, still all this power rushing and resounding... Internal/external dichotomy becomes superficial, it's more about your own focus and will. Your martial art can be just as spiritual as you will it to be, you don't have to dress up like a shaolin monk to accomplish it :-)
Be true to yourself, how your body is responding. If it feels good it's probably right for you. "Energy is eternal delight".
It may sound like I only do weightlifting now, and no WT :-) hopefully, I will post something about my WT training soon. The goal is 1:st tech. sometime 2009. It should be possible, I train with the best.
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