I have at last begun my novel-writing project, which will involve my knowledge in Wing Tsun, occultism and anthropology. I'm doing the outline right now, squeezing my brain for inspiration. I recall a good quote:
That is indeed a Wing Tsun approach to writing!You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club
–Jack London
In my case it means that I force myself to write at least one page a day, witholding nothing. I also go after my inner editor with a club or some chainpunches. I silence my inner editor and go crazy. It has proven to be a very efficient way, because among 30 lines maybe one is really good and worth using. And that one good line might inspire a new one, and a new one and so on.
I'm also starting a course called Creative Writing at Malmö Högskola now in january, which will hopefully yeild some results in my word-hunt.