Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Less is More

WT is simple, direct, effective.
But man is an indirect animal - loves to complicate it all, make patterns, make funny movements, make illusions... in Kung Fu as well as everywhere else.

Wing Tsun is like a sharp sword - it should be as a sharp sword, my Sifu tells me. He is not indirect at all. He shows me what it means, krasch, booom, bang! No bullshit.

And it has finally dawned upon me what WT is all about. I have reached some conclusions.


A good fook-sao and slight, deadly alignment of the hip exterminate all.

The simplicity of it all is stunning, breathtaking like a good punch.

I will no longer dwell on fancy, complicated kung-fu moves. In fact, right now, I won't even bother to learn the biu-jee form. I will perfect my basic techniques, they were first for a reason- I will train on my punches, my fook, my tan and bong, with the right no-bullshit mentality I will never need anything else.

Every point clear.

Yes: I train Kung Fu for self-defence. Knock out bad guys. Break a sweat. I want to do it as direct as possible.

But man is an indirect animal.

Some people doesn't want to do Kung Fu in a direct way, and it's ok.
The key is honesty, I guess. Complex intricate, mysterious stuff holds great fascination. Some use Kung Fu as a road to spirituality and mysticism, losing themselves in complicated aestetic moves. Moves without a worldly purpouse (like punching the bad guy). They may pave your way to heaven, but will they save you in a fight?

Don't fool yourself: analyze what you're doing, and to what end.

I keep it simple. Truth often is.


Thor said...

Ahh yes i agree ofcourse!

but what about the thrill of the new technique you just learned, that slight move which is like looking at a piece of art.

Yes your time will often be better spent honing your basics, but the thrill of the new moves are also worth something.

In the end it is a balance between practicality and pleasure.

We all have our equations to balance :)

Olivia said...

Thank you Thor for your thoughtful comment!

Pleasure is of course ALWAYS an end in itself...

And my own motto of choice is: "Human life is an experience to be carried as far as possible"

how to equate that with "Less is more"?


We all have our Sphinxes to wrestle...