Thursday 26 June 2008

As Above So Below

"If the earth is a sphere, then the abyss below the earth is also its heavens; and the difference between them is no more than time, the time of the earth`s turning.

If the earth is a vast horizontal surface reflecting, invisibly, even for each man his own proper soul, then again, the abyss below the earth is also its heavens, and the difference between them is time, the time of an eye lifting and dropping. The sun-door and the tree-root are the same thing in the same place, seen now from below and now from above and named, by the seer, for the moment of seeing."

Maya Deren- Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti

Tuesday 10 June 2008

More Noir and music

Fantastic jazz singer Madeleine Peyroux sings a cover of Leonard Cohen, toghether with some classic film noir pictures:

Film Noir

I'm enthralled by the black-and-white movies with Lauren Bacall and Huphrey Bogart. I will watch all of them this summer, starting with "To Have and Have Not". A clip:

They don't make movies like that anymore. I don't know what is wrong with the world. 

I was pleasantly surprised last week when I watched "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" which captured some of that film noir-feeling, combined with the plot and dialouge of pulp fiction and comicbooks. And two drop-dead handsome actors, Jude Law and Angelina Jolie:

A typical day

A typical day in my life, when I'm not working:

8.00 waking up, drinking espresso and a proteinshake, and some omega 3 and omega 6 capsuels. Surfing internet, checking e-mails.

8.30 I put on my shoes and go out for a run or a fast walk.

10.00 Wing Tsun training

12.00 Lunch 

13.00 Study, meditation, painting

16.00 more food, more reading

18.00 Kettlebell training or Wing Tsun

20.00 Going home, dinner                  

23.00 sleep