Sunday, 24 August 2008


Went down to Sifu Riis gradingseminar in Roskilde today, to be tested for the 12:th studentgrade in Wing Tsun. I was scared and nervous, knowing that this would be a Rite de Passage. It is also why I chose to grade outside WT Center, where I know everybody and feel comfortable. I also wanted another Sifu than my own Sweetheart Sifu to test me. To increase fear. 

And ever since Summercamp 2005 when i went for my third grade have I been a bit scared and in awe of Sifu Riis. I can still remember how shaken I was after his classes back then, "Does he really mean we should hit eachother this hard?" and "How can he be so brutal?" was thoughts that went trough my head then, and I can't say I didn't think something similar today, three years later.

It went on for four hours something, and I had to preform Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu with application and explaining the theory behind it and also the first four parts of the Dummy form, do defense against weapons, environmental fighting on a long staircase, running up and down trying my best to defend myself against multiple opponents. I also did the helmet-fighting (big fear) and Chi-Sao sections 1-4. 

Pictures will be up as soon as I get them from Sifu Riis. And maybe the film from my fighting-test... 

It was a juicy and thorough test to say the least, but gradings is not something that should be easy, like something you can do on a coffee-break. I believe in real tests, in overcoming your fears, overcoming yourself. 

Now I'm heading full speed for 1:st Technichan. It will not be an easy task. But I'm not in this for discount-techniques and illusions about what I do. Im prepared to devote hard work and time. I want the real deal :-) :-)

Kung Fu means hard work - it is not meant to be easy and cosy all the time. 

Per Aspera Ad Astra. 

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Hips don't lie

I spent saturday and sunday in Odense, attending Sifu Morten Ibsen's seminar. It ran over two days and amounted to 10 hours of training. Sifu Morten teaches in the same manner as he practice his WT: straight forward, to the point, direct, intense. As seen in the picture, he left nothing to chance, from head to toe he didn't hesitate to correct all the details.

He guided us trough the concepts of Wing Tsun, concepts that is so simple to understand but so hard to master. Sifu Morten convincingly argued for the few basic techniques which makes all other quite obsolete: Tan-Sau, Fook-Sau and, third but rarely, Bong-Sau,Sifu Morten put a lot of emphasis on the basic structure, how do we stand, how do we generate power. Success begins at the heels!

The slightest error in the stance can have disastorous consequeces. When I put my weight back on the rear leg and forgot about turning the hip into my opponent, it literary gave me wings: I flew across the room. Without the hip-connection I have no power, It doesn't matter how many fancy things I can do with my arms, or how much I can beg for mercy.

Sifu talked and explained a lot about the hip connection, which for me makes an almost magical difference. The slight, slight turnings of the hip creates awesome power. Hips don't lie... now with a deadly sway. Shakira still got something to learn