Thursday, 24 July 2008

The Dark Knight

Batman did not disappoint me. A more deeper, darker and brooding Batman than ever. Go see THE MOVIE! It's awesome.

Who needs a white knight anyway?

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Going for Batman!

Today at 12 I will go to the cinema and watch Batman: The Dark Knight. I'm really excited. Batman has been my hero since childhood. I was a bit disappointed with the movies that followed Tim Burton's two first Batman movies, but with Christian Bale as Batman a new era began. I was really thrilled with "Batman Begins" and with Bale's performance. 

Monday, 14 July 2008

Summercamp 2008

Just arrived home from Wing Tsun Scandinavia Summercamp. It was a splendid week, with a lot of training and party. And now the training continiues....